Drug Intervention in Lubbock, TX

If you have a loved one with a drug or alcohol problem, you know the feelings of fear, frustration, and anger that surface when your loved one is in denial or simply refuses to get help for an addiction. A drug intervention in Lubbock can help you convince your beloved to seek help.

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease marked by changes in brain function that affect thought and behavior patterns. Addiction is characterized by the inability to stop using drugs or alcohol even though they're causing major problems in your life, from relationship and health problems to legal and financial troubles.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse stresses that willpower and good intentions are rarely enough to end an addiction. Professional treatment programs in Lubbock are almost always needed to successfully send the addiction into remission for the long-term.

A drug intervention in Lubbock involves a united front of friends and family members confronting a loved one about the addiction and offering the opportunity to get help. When done right, an intervention can convince your loved one to seek treatment.

How Does an Intervention for Drug Addiction Work?

While there are a number of different models for a drug intervention, the fundamental aspects are generally very similar. The intervention is a multi-step process, and it requires careful planning to help ensure success.

Step One: Education

You cannot help your loved one through an addiction if you don't understand how addiction develops, how it changes the brain and affects thought and behavior patterns, and understand how addiction is treated. Before an intervention is held, you will need to arm yourself with information about addiction and treatment.

Step Two: Forming the Intervention Team

The intervention team is the group of people who will be meeting with the addicted loved one. Usually comprised of around six people, the intervention team is an extremely important consideration. You want to include people whom your loved one knows, trusts, loves and respects. These may include family members, friends, close co-workers, and community leaders like teachers or clergy members. It's crucial to success to avoid including anyone your loved one doesn't like or who may sabotage the intervention by getting angry or confrontational.

Step Three: Deciding on What to Say

Each person on the intervention team will speak directly to the loved one and explain how the addiction has personally affected them. It's important to frame your words in a positive, loving way rather than make accusations or judgments, and it's best to end with an expression of love, concern, and hopefulness for the future.

Step Four: Choosing Consequences

At the end of the intervention, your loved one will have to make a decision about entering treatment right then and there or continuing on a destructive path. To help steer them to a positive outcome, each member of the intervention team will choose consequences to follow through with if the loved one refuses treatment. The consequences should be relevant, and you must be prepared to follow through with them. Consequences may include no longer giving your loved one money, asking him to move out of the house, or no longer bailing her out of trouble.

Step Five: Planning for Treatment

Before the intervention meeting, you'll research potential treatment programs and start the admissions process so that when your loved one agrees to treatment, the leg work has been done and the facility is ready him or her to check in.

Step Six: Holding the Drug Intervention

Typically, the intervention meeting is arranged in secret, and your loved one is called to the meeting on a pretense, with no knowledge of what's about to occur. The chosen leader of the intervention team--either a professional interventionist or a close family member--will explain that everyone in the room is very concerned for the health, safety, and well-being of the loved one.

Each member of the team speaks directly to the addicted family member, pointing out specific examples of the problems they've witnessed and the ways in which the addiction has affected them. Once all team members have spoken, the leader will offer the loved one the opportunity to get treatment right then and explain the consequences that will occur if the loved one chooses not to enter our inpatient rehab in Lubbock.

DYI Vs. Professional Drug Intervention in Lubbock

The most successful intervention for drug addiction is one that's facilitated by a professional interventionist who is experienced in holding interventions. In fact, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence points out that interventions that are planned and executed with the help of a professional have a 90 percent success rate in getting the addicted loved one to agree to treatment.

The professional interventionist will help with every aspect of the meeting, from providing education and helping assemble the team to helping team members plan what they'll say, holding a practice session with helpful tips, and guiding the meeting to keep it productive, positive, and on track.

What Happens After the Intervention?

If your loved one agrees to treatment, the hard work is just beginning. Individuals who enter treatment with a high level of family support are more likely to enjoy long-term recovery. Engaging in treatment as much as possible through family therapy, individual therapy for family members, and family support groups will offer the best chances for success.

If your loved one refuses treatment, following through with the consequences you laid out and joining a support group will improve the chances that your loved one will come around sooner than later and agree to get help.

Either way, holding a drug intervention in Lubbock makes it clear to your loved one that you care and want him or her to be happy, healthy, and free of addiction. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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