Drug Rehab in Lubbock, TX

Drug rehab programs help people with a substance use disorder end their addiction and reclaim their life. Drug rehab in Lubbock involves a variety of in-depth therapies that help you delve into the complex issues that typically underlie an addiction.

Addiction is a disease marked by shifts in brain function that affect thought and behavior patterns. Chronic drug abuse leads to changes in the brain's memory, reward, and learning circuitry. Your brain forms a strong connection between the drug and the pleasure it produces, and it begins to associate liking the drug with wanting it. The forces at work that drive us to seek out food, water, and sex are the same ones that drive intense cravings for the drug and cause compulsive use despite negative consequences. Addiction results in dysfunctional thinking and self-destructive behaviors, and these contribute to continued drug use.

Addiction is a progressive disease, which means it gets worse over time without treatment. It's characterized by finding that you're unable to stop using drugs even though they're causing serious problems in your life, from financial and legal troubles to relationship and health problems. Addiction is also chronic and relapsing, which means that while it can't be cured, it can go into remission. But if you use again after a period of sobriety, it can cause the addiction to recur, characterized again by brain changes and compulsive drug use.

Types of Drug Addiction

The most common drugs of abuse in Lubbock County are marijuana, cocaine, and opioids, which include heroin and prescription painkillers like OxyContin or Vicodin. Opioids alone caused 88 deaths per 100,000 residents in Lubbock in 2016, according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's County Health Rankings.

Alcohol and marijuana are the most commonly abused drugs in the U.S., along with three other types of drugs:

Opioids: includes heroin and prescription painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin. Opioid overdose deaths have more than quadrupled since 1999, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Stimulants: includes cocaine, meth, and prescription medications like Adderall and Ritalin. Prescription stimulants are used to treat ADHD and some sleep problems.

Sedatives: includes barbiturates like phenobarbitol and benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium. These are prescribed to treat anxiety disorders and other conditions.

How Drug Rehab in Lubbock Works

Once an addiction sets in, it generally takes professional help to end it for the long-term. The National Institute on Drug Abuse stresses that good intentions and willpower alone are rarely enough to help you stop using drugs indefinitely. It takes medically supervised drug detox in Lubbock to safely remove the substance from the system.

Relapse rates for drug addiction are between 40 and 60 percent -- similar to those of other chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease--and drug rehab in Lubbock dramatically reduces your chances of relapsing.

Treatment therapies used in drug addiction rehab programs should include both traditional and complementary therapies. Traditional therapies are those which have been long-used and have a proven track record for successfully treating addiction. Complementary therapies aren't generally effective on their own, but when used along with traditional therapies, they add another important dimension to our treatment programs in Lubbock that can help improve the outcome of rehab, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Common traditional therapies used in high quality drug addiction rehab include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps you identify harmful patterns of thought and behavior and replace these with healthier ways of thinking and behaving.
  • Family therapy, which improves the functioning of the family system and helps repair relationships damaged by the addiction.
  • Motivational interviewing, which helps you identify and embrace your own intrinsic motivation for wanting to quit drugs or alcohol.
  • Complementary therapies commonly used include:
  • Art therapy, which helps you work through difficult emotions and experiences.
  • Biofeedback, which helps you control your body's stress response using deep-breathing and visualization exercises.
  • Yoga and meditation, which relieve stress, improve self-awareness, and help relieve cravings.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab Programs

Inpatient drug addiction rehab involves living at a residential rehab center during treatment. Inpatient rehab allows you to focus solely on recovery, and it provides around-the-clock supervision and support. Inpatient drug rehab is essential for those who have little support at home and in the community, don't have a safe place to live during rehab, and who have a long history of addiction.

Outpatient rehab enables you to continue living at home and working or attending school while you're in treatment. Outpatient treatment offers more privacy since you don't have to explain a lengthy absence. However, it's only effective if you have intrinsic motivation to recover and a high level of support at home and in the community.

Drug Rehab in Lubbock Can Transform Your Life

Less than 10 percent of people who need treatment for addiction receive it. Some are worried about what others will think, while others may be afraid of who they are without drugs or alcohol. Still others worry about the expense or are afraid treatment won't work for them. But treatment does work for the majority of people who seek it.

Drug rehab in Lubbock can help you reclaim your life. It can help you find purpose and meaning in life without drugs, and it can help you improve your relationships and your overall health. If you're struggling with an addiction, getting treatment will help you stop using drugs and improve your overall quality of life and sense of well-being. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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